We at HighComics USA CO LTD respect your concerns about privacy. we want you to be familiarwith how we collect, use and disclose information from and about you. This Privacy Policy describes our practices inconnection with information collected through services such as websites, mobile sites, applications 'apps”, andwidgets (collectively, the 'HighComics Services’). By using HighComics Services, you agree to the terms andconditions of this Privacy Policy.
HighComics and our service providers collect the following information from and about you:Registration information is the information you submit to register for a HighComics Service, for example, tocreate an account, post comments, or enter a contest. Registration Information may include, for example, name, emalladdress, gender, zip code and birthday.
Public information and Posts consist of comments or content that you post to the HighComics Services and theinformation about you that accompanies those posts or content, which may include a name, user name, comments,likes, status, profile information and picture.
Public information and Posts are always public, which means they areavailable to everyone and may be displaysearch results on external search engines.Information from Social Media, lf you access or loain to a HighComics Service through a social media service orconnect a HighComics Service to a social media service, the information we collect may also include your user IDand/or user name associated with that soclal medla service, any information or content you have permitted the soclalmedia service to share with us, such as your profile picture, emall address or friends lists, and any information youhave made public in connection with that social media seryice..When you access the HighComics Servicesthrough social media services or when you connect a HighComics Service to social media services, you areauthorizing HighComics to collect, store, and use such information and content in accordance with this PrivacyPolicy.
Activity information. When you access and interact with the HighComics Services, we may collect certaininformation about those visits. For example, in order to permit your connection to the HighComics Services, ourservers receive and record information about your computer, device, and browser, including potentially your lPaddress, browser type, and other software or hardware information. lf you access the HighComics Services from amobile or other device, we may collect a unique device identifier assigned to that device, geolocation data, or othertransactional information for that device.
Cookies and other tracking technologies (such as browser cookies, pixels, beacons, and Adobe Flash technologyincluding cookies) are comprised of small bits of data that often include a de-identified or anonymous unique identifier.Websites, apps and other services send this data to your browser when you first request a web page and then storethe data on your computer so the website can access information when you make subsequent requests for pagesfrom that service.
These technoloaies may also be used to collect and store information about your usage of the HighComics Services, such as pages you have visited, content you have viewed, search queries you have run andadvertisements you have seen.
Third parties that support the HighComics Services by serving advertisements orproviding services, such as allowing you to share content or tracking aggregate HighComics Services usagestatistics, may also use these technologies to collect similar information.
HighComics does not control these technologies and thelr use is governed by the privacy policies of third parties using such technologies.
Mostbrowsers are initially set to accept cookies, but you can change your settings to notify you when a cookie is being setor updated, or to block cookies altogether.
Please consult the 'Help' section of your browser for more infommation.Information from Other Sources.
We may supplement the information we collect with information from othersources, such as publicly avallable information from social media services, commercially available sources andinformation from our HighComics Affiliates or business partners.
We use the information we collect from and about you to provide the HighComics Services and features to you,including, but not limited to: to measure and improve those HighComics Services and features; to improve yourexperience with both online and offine HighComics Services by delivering content you will find relevant andinteresting, including advertising and marketing messages; to allow you to comment on content, and participate inonline games, contests, or rewards programs; to provide you with customer support and to respond to inquliries; toallow social sharing functionality; to deliver relevant advertisements.
When the information collected from or about youdoes not identify you as a specific person, we may use that information for any purpose allowed by law or share it with third parties.
specific person, we may use that information for any purpose allowed by law or share it withthird parties.
User Generated Content Agreement
(UGC) which is the content submitted to application by users .
Some users can see or visit the content.Application which include or focus on UGc should meet the following conditions:(1) Before users create or upload UGc , they should accept the usage terms or user specifications of the application,(2) The content which is generated by users should comply with Google play policy.
lt prohibits users from publishingobjectionable content or doing some objectionable behavior;(3) Users can report objectionable UGc and we will take corresponding measures against such UGc , includingremoving or masking these abusive users who violate the application terms of use and user specifications.
People have different personal privacy concerns. Our goal is to be clear about what infommation we collect, so thatyou can make meaningful choices about how it is used.
Here are some of your choices related to personal privacy:
- You can provide, edit, or remove certain information from your public profile by editing your profile.
You may alsochange or correct your private HighComics account information through your account settings.You may set your browser to block all cookies, including cookies associated with our services, or to indicate when acookie is being set by us.However, it is important to remember that many of our services may not function properly ifyour cookies are disabled.
Be aware that any personal information that you choose to share in public spaces such as comments or profile pagescan be read, collected, or used by others, or could be used to send unsolicited messages to you.
You are responsiblefor the personal information that you choose to post in public spaces through the Services.If your personal information is wrong, we strive to give you ways to update it quickly or to remove it - unless we arerequired to retain that information for legitimate business or legal purposes. When updating your personal information,we may ask you to verify your identity before we can act on your request.
You have the right to access, review, update, and correct inaccuracies in your personal information in our custody andcontrol, subject to certain exceptions prescribed by law. You may request access, updates to and corrections oiInaccuracles in your personal information by emalling to us at the contact information set out below. We may requestcertain personal information for the purposes of verifying the identity of the individual seeking access to his/herpersonal infommation records.
You can message us within the APp to ask us to delete a part or your entire personal data.
Your personal information is important to you, and protecting that infomation is important to us. We take reasonablemeasures to protect our users from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or loss of information we hold,including administrative, technical, and physical safeguards.Your account information is protected by a password.
it is important that you protect against unauthorized access toyour account and information by choosing your password carefully and by keeping your password and device secure,such as by logging out after using the Services.We follow generally accepted standards to protect the personal information submitted to us, both during transmissionand after it is received.
Unfortunately, no method of transmission over the internet or method of electronic storage is 100% secure, and wecannot guarantee absolute security of the transmission or storage of your information.
HighComics may modify and update this Privacy Policy from time to time without notifying you in advance. Anychanges to this Privacy Policy wil become effective when we post the revised Privacy Policy on the HighComics Services.
lf you have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy or the manner in which we or our service providerstreat your personal information, would like to exercise your choices, or would like us to update information we haveabout you or your preferences, please contact us at
Last updated: July 19, 2024